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Bitcoin Guide


This is Tor. Tor makes people untraceable. This allows criminals to make fraudulent sites that scam average people who work hard for their money. BUT you may be able to get your bitcoin back!

Blockchain Analysis

If you sent them bitcoin then it might be possible to trace it. At Dark Web Wolf Street we send all BTC through a mixer to multiple clean wallets of bitcoins an monero with are hosted by a private node. We have to do this because we are being pursued by powerful forces. The people who run scam sites are stupid idiots and most of the time you can trace the bitcoin.

Report them

You will trace them to Coinbase, Luno, Binance, Poloniex or others. Report them as scammers to that company. Tell them that you made a mistake and ordered from them. Tell them that you will cooperate with that company to bring that person to justice. Need help tracing the bitcoin? Contact “[email protected]” (you can only contact him with a TorBox E-mail) who can trace it for free. He is very busy so it might take him a while. We are committed to destroying scammers. That’s why we give our users the tools they need to cause scammers pain.

Don’t contact the Law

Let the company (Luno/Coinbase/Poloniex etc.) contact Law Enforcement. If you contact law enforcement they will add you to a watch list, and you will be monitored by law enforcement for the rest of your life. If you ever do any tiny illegal thing, they will be at your house to send you to jail because they will be watching you all the time. It’s not worth it. If the company does it then nothing negative should happen to you probably.


The company will report the scammer to law enforcement. Then that person might go to jail and get *****ed in the ass. If they had funds in their account at the time of the bust, those funds will be frozen because they are scammers. You will get your money (BTC) back as long as you can prove you are the one who bought it. Need help with that? Contact “[email protected]” who will help you.

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