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Bitcoin Guide


Due to issues buying bitcoin we made this guide.

How to buy bitcoin and stuff on the dark web (anonymously)

  1. Purchase Bitcoins
    There many ways to buy Bitcoins:
  2. Install Electrum
    Electrum is a Hardware wallet. That means you don't have to store your bitcoins on a market, exchange or online wallet. That gives you the freedom and safety to manage your bitcoins by your own. Your Electrum Wallet should only be there for DW purchases. Download Electrum here
  3. Send the Bitcoins
    There were a lot of mixing service to anonymise your coins, but a lot of them got shut down by authorities. Nevertheless we anonymise all of the receiving coins by our own. Not a single coin can get tracked down to our clients. That's primary to safe our own asses and it has the great site effect that you will be safe, too.
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