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We literally changed the Dark Web with our service and people are going crazy. At this moment, we have to be more careful than ever. But we are not idle, we have many new partnerships with well-known names and professionals. Offline and online. hackers, hitmen, thieves and criminals of all kinds.

We mentioned that we're changing the DW, and many scammers come out of their holes like cockroaches. Now we are in a situation not only to provide our service, but also to help those affected.

We have two groups of competitors. Websites that have cloned our site, and scammers. And websites that also sell pre-shred that they have bought from us.

Sites stealing from our new buyers

There are many other sites that have “Copied” our site. Either they one-by-one copy it or they steal our content. They did this to steal from people trying to buy product from us. If we think about this logically one of the sites MUST be legit and real because many others exist to fraud the truthful site. In other words people are using the trust built from the real site (us (Dark Web Wolf Street)) to fraud new buyers with their fraud site. We can not do anything about it. This is anonymous TOR so we can not track them down and murder them. And we can not call the police to fix the situation because we are criminals. We’re the legit site. Buy from those other sites and you’ll get *****ed. How do you know we’re the real site?

1. Compare the sites.

Ok, maybe you aren't so tech-savvy but try to take a look behind the scene.

  • Most copies are made by script kiddies, so they won't really know how the web works. You can identify them:
    • If they made use of JavaScript or prompt you to enable it. JavaScript works client-side, TOR is disabling that by default, because it can collect information about your system. A professionals service on the DW will never use JavaScript.
    • Look at the URL in the top bar of your browser. If the different sites are ending with .html and they are pretending you can leave comments or make an order on their site than that's just not possible. HTML is a mark-up language without any functionality. HTML documents have to make use of JavaScript to serve any functionality.

      We are using Server side languages like PHP to provide Functionality for pur clients.
    • But some of the scammer have some functionality without using JavaScript. Most of them are using a Content Management System like Wordpress. You can check it by putting this string '/wp-admin' or '/wp-login.php' behing their URL. Using a CMS is risky because it is using a Database which needs lots or resources and is an easy target for Hackers. You don't want your information stored in a Database from some shady guy who barely knows how to wipe his ass.
    • Why are we telling you so much about this? Make a logical thought. This site here ( is top-notch professional. We hired the best programmers on the DW to make our site safe, performant and scaleable. We paid over $50,000 to give our clients the best experience while remaining safe. Who can pay this amount for a website? Only the real DW stack sellers. Our site:
      • you have a Bitcoin Live Price,
      • you can leave real comments and reply to other users,
      • you can make an order directly on the site which accelerated the process,
      • you can always look up your order which is NOT stored in any Database (other techniques are used),
      • you have always the overview about our inventory,
      • and many other features.
  • Script kiddies can't handle it. Most of the sites are lacking information like Comment Dates etc.
  • Images are poorly photoshopped or images are taken from the clearnet. We also saw one site whos admin hold up $1,500 (that are peanuts)

2. Escrow

We are the only site that is willing to use escrow. Escrow means the money (Bitcoin) is NOT going directly to the seller (us) but is being held by an impartial third party (Escrow Company) until you receive the goods and are happy with them. If there are any problems you can get your bitcoin back. We are the ONLY site willing to use escrow when we sell to our buyers. We only use escrow on large orders because that escrow can delay payment for a long time and sometimes we lose our payment due to fraudulent buyers. So we are only willing to go through this hassle with serious buyers.

3. Our files are mirrored

If our page is mirrored, then this is one of the most difficult cases to recognize.

From time to time there are very dedicated scammers mirroring our files. This means that all content on our site is mirrored live on their pages. It even goes so far that comments that are left on the scammer's pages end up in our backend and we don't see on which page they were left. This works in the sense that the scammers send the form post data to our server and thus make use of the functions of our site.

To see these copies you have to look very carefully. Check all of the above criteria. So URls, images, watermarks, files, the Bitcoin address etc.

Other “Pre-Shred” sellers.

Not Everyone can steal from the ECB like we do. It’s just not possible. So how can other sites sell ‘pre-shred’ cash? Here is how and why: We sell other sites ‘pre-shred’ cash in bulk for them to resell. We only sell them the shittiest cash that we do not want.

So why buy from us and not them? The cash you buy from other sites is in such bad condition it might not work at ATM’s, Machines or at banks. It’s shitty thats why we sold it to them in bulk. 100% of our cash will work at banks and ATM’s.

If they are offering other currencies like RUB, AUD, YEN ext. then they are handling your trade then they are paying us to complete the order. So your package of money will ship from one of our people if you buy from other companies. It’s fine if you want to do this. But we never provide support for buyers who use other websites. We only provide support for those who buy from us. If you buy from another site and if there is a problem with the shipment we will not help.

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