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Used Cash Is Shredded

In 2015 9 Billion EURO was destroyed by the ECB (European Central Bank). If a bill has holes totalling more than 19 square millimetres, about the size of an aspirin, it’s unfit. Dirty and worn out bills are also sorted out with sensors.
Why we shred 1 million in cash every hour (clearnet)
Banknote Management (clearnet)
Banknote Recycling (clearnet)

We Acquire Cash before Its Shredded

The "Dark Web Wolf Street" team has "access" to an almost limitless supply of cash that is marked for disposal.

We Have a Problem

We are only able to siphon small amounts of cash at a time to avoid detection. This is mainly because large amounts of cash are difficult to "withdraw" and move discretely due to scheduling, weight, size and conceal-ability issues. We would rather "withdraw" several hundred million and disappear forever but that isn’t possible. So our team decided to siphon cash away slowly and stockpile it in bitcoins over many years.

We Cant Spend It

Due to our location and "access" we would be caught quickly if we spent large amount of pre-shred cash. We want to maintain access therefore we do not risk spending it ourselves except in small amounts. For example, a huge inflation rise in a particular area is bound to attract people attention.

We Need Help

We want to maintain access to our cash source and don’t want to get caught so we offer Cash in exchange for Bitcoins. We mail this cash to whatever address you wish in exchange for your bitcoins. We do not accept any other form of payment.

No Risk for You

There is absolutely no risk for those that purchase bills from us. No one knows we have them and no one knows their serial numbers. For both of our protection we don’t keep any records whatsoever. Furthermore buying cash is not illegal.

We use anonymous bitcoin bribes and the *****ing threat of violence to procure this cash. We don’t *****ing care if you need more *****ing cash for grandma’s nursing home. WE DON’T WANT MORAL *****ERS EMAILING US. Please don’t order our product if that’s you.

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